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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Seems as though I got caught up in life and just let my blog slip to the bottom of the list of things to do. I'm back so watch out, here I come.
  I"ve been busy doing all kinds of things. I have worked on my house, I put down a brown paper  floor in my kitchen and that was a big surprise for me that it turned out so well. I had to pull up old tiles first so that was the hardest part of the  job, then tearing the brown paper up, putting glue on it and sticking it to the floor. Then you cover the whole thing with at least 2 coats of poly to seal it. Turned out great and easy to take care of too.

  My art has been moving right along,  I've found I love the way black paper reflects certain colors and have become addicted to using it for all kinds of art. I have also come up with a faux mosaic style. I will post pictures.

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